Made in store using live milk grains. Kefir contains many probiotic organisms that have incredible healing properties. While it is a similar consistency to plain yogurt it contains far more strains of friendly bacteria, which are crucial for a healthy gut. There are over 30 different strains of good bacteria contained in kefir along with vitamin B complex, vitamin A, D and K as well as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium minerals.
Give one teaspoon to one tablespoon of kefir to small cats or small dogs per day.
Medium size dogs – 1 – 2 tbsp
Large dogs – 2 – 3 tbsp
*** Cats especially*** Start with 1/8 tsp, and increase every FEW days by doubling the amount, up to one-half teaspoon. Give your cat only 1/2 of the dosage (one-half teaspoon) for at least one to two weeks before increasing to 3/4 and so on.
Kefir - 16 oz
SKU: 345684